Module 8: Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Citation: Meyer, M. (2012). Cinder. New York: Feiwel & Friends. Summary: In a future world, Cinder is a cyborg living with her adoptive father's widow. She's the best mechanic in town. So good, in fact, that the Prince himself brings his own android to be fixed by Cinder. When the plague hits the shop down the street from hers, Cinder sneaks back home and then takes her step sister with her to salvage some pieces for the Prince's android. The plague then gets her step-sister while they are at the junkyard, and being upset, cinder's stepmom/guardian volunteers her for the draft for cyborgs. Cinder is to go in to help with research on the plague to find a cure. The doctor doing this research discovers that Cinder is immune to the plague meaning she is from the moon, or lunar. Lunar people are feared and illegal on Earth. Cinder keeps running into Kai, the prince, and he eventually asks her, several times to the ball. Cinder knows she won't be able to go...