Module 11: An Egg is Quiet by Diana Aston, Illustrated by Sylvia Young


Aston, D. & Long, S. (2006). An egg is quiet. San Francisco : Chronicle Books.


This is a children's book about eggs. Each page of the book gives information about eggs from the life cycle that takes place inside them to the shapes and sizes of the eggs themselves. Each page has illustrations done scientifically accurately , or noted when they may not be to-size.

My thoughts:

This is a great informational book for children second grade and older reading on their own, or Kindergarten and older being read to. the book is informational, but still speaks at a child's level of understanding and is eye catching. Quite a fun read.

Professional Review:

"K-Gr 2-An exceptionally handsome book on eggs, from the delicate ova of the green lacewing to the rosy roe of the Atlantic salmon to the mammoth bulk of an ostrich egg. Aston's simple, readable text celebrates their marvelous diversity, commenting on size, shape, coloration, and where they might be found. The author occasionally attributes sensibilities to eggs ("An egg is clever," for example). Still, her quiet descriptions of egg engineering and embryo development (no mention of mating) are on the mark, and are beautifully supported by Long's splendid watercolor depictions of a wide variety of eggs. (One teeny carp-Steller's jays are not spelled with an "ar," though they are stellar performers when wheedling for your lunch at a campsite!) A beautiful guide to the unexpected panoply of "the egg.'"

Manning, P. (2006). An egg is quiet. School Library Journal, 52(6), 104. Retrieved from  

Library Use:

This a book made for a Spring science program. Biology is such a fun area that allows children to use art. Kids can express the eggs, design their own eggs, and the creature that comes out of the eggs. There are other books by the author and illustrator that complete a series this could go with!
